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Skills Maintenance


Keep Your Skills Fresh

At the start of every season all patrolling members are required to attend a skills maintenance/proficiency session for each award they hold. For the Bronze Medallion, members are given the choice of set dates and are required to register in advance and attend one of these sessions.

Members who are not proficient as at December 31st are not permitted to patrol, or compete in any SLSA competition, until they have obtained the required proficiency.

If a member remains non-proficient in any award for a period of 5 continuous years or more, then they are required to either sit an in-depth proficiency, a full assessment, or be retrained in order to be considered proficient in the award.

Award Requirements for Proficiency

  • 1

    Run Swim Run (timed)

    200m Run / 200m Swim / 200m Run unaided in 8 minutes or less.


    Resuscitation (CPR) with oxygen and defibrillation

    • A patient assessment on a live patient and demonstration of lateral position

    • DRSABCD, CPR 1 person (adult or child AND infant) on a manikin – to include resuscitation methods using a mask
    • Team CPR including DRSABCD, use of resuscitation mask with oxygen supplement and AED



    Demonstrate all the signals correctly.


    Rescue (1 of either Board or Tube)

    Demonstrate a rescue, using either a rescue tube or a rescue board, according to SLSA operating procedures in the current Public Safety and Aquatic Rescue Training Manual. The rescue must include the following:

    • Negotiating the surf zone

    • Securing the patient

    • Returning to shore with the patient

    • Calling for assistance

    The member may choose the rescue equipment and should use swim fins during the tube rescue if available.



    • Pre-operation checks

    • Knowledge of local operating channels and uses

    • Interpatrol communications

    • Sign on/sign off

    • Rescue procedures and requests for assistance



    ​Walk-up & in-water


    IRB Awareness

  • 1

    Run Swim Run (timed)

    100m Run / 100m Swim / 100m Run unaided in 5 minutes or less.


    Resuscitation (CPR)

    • A patient assessment on a live patient and demonstration of lateral position

    • DRSABCD, CPR 1 and 2 person (adult or child AND infant) on a manikin – to include resuscitation methods using a mask.



    Demonstrate the following 4 signals correctly as determined by the authorised person conducting the skills maintenance check:

    • Assistance required

    • Return to shore

    • Proceed further out to sea

    • Pick up patient to the left or right


    Rescue (1 of either Board or Tube)

    Demonstrate a rescue, using either a rescue tube or a rescue board, according to SLSA operating procedures in the current Public Safety and Aquatic Rescue Training Manual. The rescue must include the following:

    • Negotiating the surf zone

    • Securing the patient

    • Returning to shore with the patient

    • Calling for assistance

    The member may choose the rescue equipment and should use swim fins during the tube rescue if available.

  • Resuscitation

    • A patient assessment on a live patient and demonstration of lateral position

    • DRSABCD, CPR 1 person (adult or child AND infant) on a manikin – to include resuscitation methods using a mask

    • Team CPR including DRSABCD, use of resuscitation mask with oxygen supplement and AED.


    Oxy Viva Operation

    Use of air bag resuscitator on conscious/unconscious patient(s) during resuscitation scenario


    Oropharyngeal Airways

    • Correct measurement and insertion of an Oropharyngeal Airway (on a manikin where possible).

    • Demonstrate an understanding of when and why an airway is introduced into resuscitation.



    The use of hand held suction apparatus for the removal of fluids from the mouth.


    Remember: If a member has already completed a skills maintenance that required Resuscitation to be assessed i.e. Bronze Medallion, they are considered to be proficient in that section of this award. Members still need to be assessed as competent in sections 2-4 to be deemed proficient in ARTC.

  • The skills maintenance requirement for this award is undertaking a course every three years. This award is a pre-requisite for ART and Pain Management Awards.

  • Questions on safety and the SLSA Powercraft Code of Conduct


    Demonstrate effective and safe crewing practice and ability including:

    • Parallel running

    • Figures eight

    • Response to signals

    • Negotiation of surf as required

    • Demonstrate patient rescue

    • Demonstrate ability to carry out a patient lift, exit, carry and lay.


    Skills maintenance in this award may be assessed by an authorised delegate. Logged hours should be included in an assessment of skills maintenance.

  • Questions on safety and the SLSA Powercraft Code of Conduct


    Demonstrate the ability to apply safe driving practice including but not limited to:

    • Parallel running

    • Figures eight

    • Response to signals

    • Negotiation of surf as required

    • Demonstrate ability to conduct a patient rescue

    • Demonstrate ability to carry out a patient lift, exit, carry and lay.


    Skills maintenance in this award may be assessed by an authorised delegate. Logged hours should be included in an assessment of skills maintenance.

  • Endorsement is dependent on the Trainer remaining current in the award/s they are training AND current in training and assessment.

  • Endorsement is dependent on the Assessor remaining current in the award/s they are assessing AND current in training and assessment.

Available Proficiency Sessions

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