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Swanny Iron Series 10.15 am Sunday 20th March 2022

Writer: Jessica LiJessica Li

Swanny Iron Series 10.15 am Sunday 20th March 2022

Swanny Iron Series will be held on Sunday 20th March 2022 at Swanbourne Beach starting at 10.15 am. A presentation may follow the events.

The program of events is : 10.16 am Long Run # 10.56 am Board Race # 11.16 am Surf Race (400m Swim) # 11.36 am Ski Race # 1.16 pm Draw for the order of the Iron legs 1.23 pm (or earlier if we’re ready) Iron #

# Events that form part of the Swanny Iron Series

Course Map - Long Run Course Map - Board Race, Surf Race and Ski Race Course Map - Iron

Craft should be placed at the southern end of the beach in line with the southern red inner permanent buoy.

Competitors must be qualified to start by being financial and have completed proficiency and patrol requirements of the Club relevant to their membership category. You must have made up any missed patrol hours.

Prizes may be presented to winners of the above events in the following age groups: Open, Men & Women.

Club Championship events shall be conducted in accordance with the current SLSA Australian Surf Sports Manual wherever possible. Any departure(s) from the current SLSA Australian Surf Sports Manual shall be determined by the Competition Manager and nominated to the Points Races Officer prior to the commencement of the Club Championships.

Points will be awarded in each event to determine the overall Swanny Iron Series Champions in each of the above categories.

Entries are on the day. This is open to all Club members, so make sure your training program is in full swing.

Check out the defending Swanny Iron Series Champions here – Round 5 Standings Top Four Rev 2

See you on the starting line. Any queries to the Surf Sports Manager –

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