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New Members To-Do List

  1. Facebook is our preferred method of communication. Join the following groups: Swanny Members Group, Swanny Competition & Training, Swanny Patrol Swaps,The Swanny Dukes & Swanny Classifieds.

  2. Consider some training you'd like to attend (first timers are always welcome). We particularly encourage you to attend swimming training on Monday evenings where you'll get to meet other swimmers.

  3. Check out the social page - lock in some dates.

  4. Watch a sunset from the bar some time. Bring some friends.

  5. You may be asking, "What are patrols all about?". Learn how patrolling works here and check out the patrol roster.

  6. Learn about the various activities at the club.

  7. Pencil in a few competitions you may be interested in entering for fun. See the competition page.

  8. Check out the gym / change room facilities.


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