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Club Championships Results 2019/20

SNSLSC Club Championships 2019/20 Under 14 Congratulations to Sophia Defrancesco and Oscar Lorbeer who are the Under 14 Club Champions for 2019/20. Club Championships 201920 U14 Club Championships 201920 U14 Detail Notes:

1. Sophia D told me she lacked the mental and physical capacity to do the swim (the shortened U14 version) so none of the girls swam! 2. The board race results got wet so I'm guessing that Sophia D won this. Open to protests from others in the this and U15, U17 age groups over this. (Subsequently confirmed the names and results). 3. I'm assuming Mackenzie Pazin's nickname is Maggie for the beach sprint results. 4. Well done to Elliot Kluken for doing the Run Swim Run (see 1 above). 5. Too many of these young girls are called Sophia or Sofia. 6. It was Sofia Addy in the Swanbourne Cup Mixed Board Rescue with Logan not Sophia Papandroulakis. Sorry, the prize for longest team name probably goes elsewhere! 7. Thanks to Kristie Orchard for wrangling these youngsters today and all season! 8. Apologies it took so long for this age group despite the accelerated program. We'll look at running these differently. SNSLSC Club Championships 2019/20 Under 15 Congratulations to Marnie Griffiths who is the Under 15 Club Champion for 2019/20. Club Championships 201920 U15 Club Championships 201920 U15 Detail Notes:

1. Marnie had to go before we got to the run swim run and long run. She might be allergic to sand as she didn't do the sprint or flags. 2. Tilly didn't turn up until beach flags (no doubt a late night at the FIH Pro League hockey!). Tilly did the Open Ironwoman but we had already run the Under 15 Ironwoman. So no points in Under 15 which might be considered harsh (If so Lucy and Jules can console her on coming second!), but it's not like she hasn't won anything so far this season (Swanbourne Cup Mixed Board Rescue!). 3. Thanks to Kristie Orchard for wrangling these youngsters today and all season! 4. Apologies it took so long for this age group despite the accelerated program. We'll look at running these differently. SNSLSC Club Championships 2019/20 Under 17 Congratulations to Rosie Defrancesco and James Brigg who are the Under 14 Club Champions for 2019/20. Club Championships 201920 U17 Club Championships 201920 U17 Detail Notes:

1. The Under 17s variously raced as standalone Under 17 events and also in Open events. 2. Jarvis did the Open Board Race and Open Surf Race so gets 12 points for these, although Aaron Cohen is the winner of the Under 17 event (and also gets 12 points). 3. Jamie did the Open Beach Flags but not the Under 17 Beach Flags but gets 12 points. Ben Rock is the winner of the Under 17 event (and also gets 12 points). 4. Jordy is aquaphobic as she only did sprint and flags but didn't get wet! 5. Susie is quite concerned with Rosie's running style that involves having one stiff arm that doesn't rotate back and forth. 6. Thanks to Kristie Orchard for wrangling these youngsters today and all season! 7. Apologies it took so long for this age group despite the accelerated program. We'll look at running these differently. SNSLSC Club Championships 2019/20 Under 19 Congratulations to Christopher Brigg who is the Under 19 Club Champion for 2019/20. Club Championships 201920 U19 Club Championships 201920 U19 Detail Notes: 1. Under 19s raced in Open so results were extracted from the Open results. 2. Callum had to leave during the Beach Flag marathon.  He won the Open Surf Race and was predicted to defend his Run Swim Run title. 3. There are too many Chris's. In Heat 2 of the Open Mens Beach Sprint there was Christopher Brigg, Christopher Bettridge and Christopher Hazell. The results record they finished as 4. Chris 5. Betto 6. Hazel. Therefore I have interpreted 'Chris' elsewhere as being Christopher Brigg. 4. Apologies it took so long for this age group. I would suggest you set aside a whole Sunday for Club Championships! SNSLSC Club Championships 2019/20 New Bronze Medallion Trophy Congratulations to Natalie Woolfitt and Raymond Lampard who are the New Bronze Medallion Trophy Champions for 2019/20. Club Championships 201920 NBMT Club Championships 201920 NBMT Detail Notes: 1. Rosie did the Under 17 Board Race (shorter course) not the Open Board Race. I have given her third place in the NBMT Board Race on the basis she did do a board race (even if beaten by Under 14s and Under 15s) and it has no effect on the results of the NBMT. 2. Jarvis did the Under 17 Board Race which started 30 seconds behind the Open Board Race for the same course. Jarvis finished 9 places behind Ray which might have been 30 seconds or it might not. Even if the places for the Board Race are reversed it makes no difference to the NBMT results. 3. Jarvis didn't stay for the Run Swim Run or Long Run which is understandable as we were way behind schedule. 4. Max was helpful recorded as German Max so I wouldn't get him confused with Max Davies who wasn't on the beach or in the NBMT. Such clarity of recording didn't apply to the Chris's, Sarah's and Sophia/Sofia's. Just kidding, thank you so much for your efforts today Nin! 5. Apologies it took so long for this age group. SNSLSC Club Championships 2019/20 Over 40 Congratulations to Kristie Orchard and Julian Gibbings who are the Over 40 Club Champions for 2019/20. Club Championships 201920 O40 Club Championships 201920 O40 Detail Notes: 1. Gary had Nipper AGM commitments then professional commitments so didn't do the long run, beach sprint, ski race or ironman. 2. Julian didn't do the beach sprint. 3. Ray and Kristie competed in all eight events. 4. In the Surf Race I have assumed it was Joanne Turton not Jo Rooke. This was based on seeing Joanne T on the beach and the relatively good placing in the swim. This might be unfair to Jo R who did 6 other events so may have swum. 5. Erin gets 1 point for the Beach Flags as she lent me the buoys, beach flags, etc. 6. Jol did some of the O40 events, given that he is 40 years old. However his birthday occurs the day after the September 30 cut off so for competition purposes he is only 39! Including Jol doesn't change the overall results but does change the margin. SNSLSC Club Championships 2019/20 Open Congratulations to Anne-Marie Juengling and Chris Bettridge who are the Open Club Champions for 2019/20. Club Championships 201920 Open Club Championships 201920 Open Detail Rev 1 Notes: 1. A huge thank you to Ninette for recording all these results and having such a good memory to be able to clarify all the queries. (My favourite is the Beach Sprint Male: In the Heats it was 'Rodni', in the Semis it was 'Rhods', in the Final it was 'Rhodni' and in real life it is Rodney Peh or Rod! ) 2. 62 competitors scored points in the Open Club Championships. Beach sprint was the most popular with 40 competitors. All events had 30 or more competitors except where a ski was involved which saw 22 competitors. 3. Jules, Matt P, Peter K, Ray, Annie, Kate, Leesa and Nat all competed in all 8 events! Hardcore and great competitive spirit! 4. Annie and Nat both had 3 wins so placings decided the overall result. Betto was the only male with 2 wins. He didn't place in the points for the beach sprint and didn't contest the long run. 5. Peter K injured himself during the beach flags but kept competing in the subsequent 3 events. 6. Gary had Nipper AGM commitments then professional commitments so didn't do the long run, beach sprint, ski race or ironman. 7. Mim competed in the ironwoman but withdrew in 8th place at the start of the (final) ski leg. 8. Tilly was in second place in the ironwoman at the start of the ski leg, which no doubt had the rest of the field feeling under threat. Thanks to Leavo for getting Tilly on the ski and congratulations to Tilly getting the ski around the apex in the sea breeze on her first attempt at ski paddling! 9. Briggy was 8th at the end of the board leg, 3rd at the end of the swim, then won the ironman. Kath also competed in the ironman, catching up to Cocky in the swim leg, before finishing a credible ninth. Swanny Ironman Series Round 5 - Club Championships Congratulations to Natalie Woolfitt and Peter Brigg who are the Swanny Ironman Series Round 5 Champions for 2019/20. Round 05 Club Championships Results Round 05 Progressive Points Round 05 Progressive Points Best 4 Results Notes: 1. Mim competed in the ironwoman but withdrew in 8th place at the start of the (final) ski leg. 2. Tilly was in second place in the ironwoman at the start of the ski leg, which no doubt had the rest of the field feeling under threat. Thanks to Leavo for getting Tilly on the ski and congratulations to Tilly getting the ski around the apex in the sea breeze on her first attempt at ski paddling! 3. Kate's ski was tangled on the string line (yah for having a string line, boo for the tangling) so she did not complete the ski course. 4. Briggy was 8th at the end of the board leg, 3rd at the end of the swim, then won the ironman. Kath also competed in the ironman, catching up to Cocky in the swim leg, before finishing a credible ninth.


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