How to join Swanny2023-07-01T17:34:50+08:00

New Members

Swanny SLSC offers a variety of opportunities for membership including

  • Nippers (5 years to 13 years)
  • Cadets (13 years to 15 years)
  • Active Juniors (15 years to 18 years)
  • Active Seniors (>18 years)
  • Veterans (>55 years)
  • Nipper Parents
  • Social Members

A full list of Swanny membership categories and fees can be found in our table of Membership Fees. Unsure of which membership type best suits you? Use our Membership Flowchart to work out which category best suits you or contact our Club Administrator for more information.

Please note, if you are wanting to register a child for Nippers (12 years or under as at the 30th September in the year of registration) at least one parent / caregiver must also join Swanny to be present and assist during the Nipper program as required. It is preferable that both parents join because firstly, it’d be great to have the whole family involved but secondly it also provides the parents / caregivers with attendance flexibility and ensures you are all covered by our insurance when on the beach. For those parents with no SLSA award, you can elect to join as an Associate Member or even better sign up to complete your Bronze Medallion and become a lifesaver!

If you’re 15 years or older as of the 30th September and wanting to become a lifesaver you will need to complete your Bronze Medallion. Details on our upcoming Bronze Medallion courses and what to expect can be found on our Bronze Medallion page. If you’d like any further information about the course you can contact our Club Administrator and we will be happy to answer any questions you might have.

How to Join

  1.  Register with Surf Life Saving Australia – and select “Swanbourne Nedlands SLSC Inc” as the club you want to join. If it’s you just joining, select to join as an individual and if you’re registering your family, select the “My family” option.
  2.  If joining as a family, follow the prompts to add each family member’s details, entering the primary contact parent / caregiver’s details first. Once all details have been added ensure the SLSA Membership application and declaration is completed before selecting “Make a Payment” .
  3.  Finalise your registration with an online payment via the SLSA Payment Gateway.
  4. If you’re registering to complete a Bronze Medallion course please also contact our Club Administrator so that we can get you on the contact list for the next Bronze Medallion course.

The Membership Flowchart and table of Membership Fees will assist you with determining your membership category and your applicable fees. If registering a family, be sure to check the Family Membership Caps to see if your family is eligible for a fee reduction.

Generally, new families will register in the Junior Activity Member (Nippers) and Associate Member (Nipper parents) categories and for those joining to complete a Bronze Medallion and become a lifesaver, your membership if you are over 18 years of age will consist of the Active Senior membership fee plus the one off payment for the Bronze Medallion course.

Now that you’re registered, check out the “New Members To-Do List


If you’re 15+ and wanting to join as an ‘Active’ (patrolling) member you will need to complete your Bronze Medallion.
Candidate must:

• Be a financial member of Swanbourne Nedlands Surf Life Saving Club
• Be a minimum of 15 years old on the date of assessment.
• Have completed a 400 metre swim in nine (9) minutes or less

5yrs old as at 30 September

New Member News

2009, 2016

New Members To-Do List

By |September 20th, 2016|Categories: New Members|

Facebook is our preferred method of communication. Join the following groups: Swanny Members Group, Swanny Competition & Training, Swanny Patrol Swaps,The Swanny Dukes & Swanny Classifieds. Consider some training you'd like to attend (first timers are always welcome). We particularly encourage you to attend swimming training on Monday evenings where you'll [...]

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