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Tim Tucak

Points Races Round 2023/24 – Results and Standings

Points Races Programme Swanny Points Races Season 2023/24 Programme - TBA Points Races Guide Read the Points Races Guide for the what, why, who and how as well as how to win of Points Races! Points Races Round 01 Results Round 01 Standings Round 01 Start of the Season, 35 deg C, slight easterly breeze. Thanks to Rose for timekeeping with the new stopwatch. Great to see the Engelbrechts backing up from yesterdays Endurance Championships. Next week Josh will pay more attention to the course briefing. Permanent buoys expected soon! Points Races Round 02 Results Round 02 Standings Round 02 Overcast conditions resulted in a quiet day at the beach. The bonus for Points Races was the Permanent Buoys were in place. Ross B joined in the Long Swim but the short course. Josh swam the correct course in the fastest time. Nipper Gold competitor Tom joined in this week. Thanks to Hunter and Karen for Water Safety, Alex, Karen and Helen for timekeeping. Points Races Round 03 Results Round 03 Standings Round 03 Another overcast day and with Nippers at the pool, it was a quiet day on the beach. Some Briggs came down, a Leavo and a Hazell. The Patrol joined in as well, Rodney taking out the Long Run and shooting to the top of the leader board. Thanks to Sam for timekeeping and Ollie and Cody for water safety. Points Races Round 04 Results Round 04 Standings Round 04 First day of Nippers at the beach so some familar faces returned. Great turnout for the Long Swim and Run Swim Run. Thanks to Matilda and Leavo for timekeeping. Windy morning so choppy in the water, making for hard work swimming north. Run Swim Run run anti clockwise for the swim to avoid the Nippers playing the surf post the Nippers session. Points Races Round 05 Results Round 05 Standings Round 05 Thank you to Rose for running Points Races and timekeeping. I cycled the MSWA Ocean Ride and it rained early in the morning but was a nice day later, reflected in a solid turn out at Points Races. Callum and Marnie made their season debut. Points Races Round 06 Results Round 06 Standings Round 06 A hammerhead shark the Swanny side of North Cottesloe cancelled Points Races and all water based Nipper events. Thanks to Hendo for volunteering to running Points Races and timekeeping. A large contingent of the Club was at the South West Development Centre for Proficiency and went surfing, wave catching and body surfing on Sunday morning. Kristy and Nins did the Long Run and noted no Long Swim etc as the beach was closed till probably 10:45 am (give or take) due to a shark at North Cottesloe. Points Races Round 07 Results Round 07 Standings Round 07 The biggest turn out so far for Points Races. Thanks to Hannah, Liv and Leesa for timekeeping. Special mention to Tara who had her arm twisted to do the Board Race on her new board (fin fitted and placed in the Boatshed the day before after Tara gained her Bronze Medallion). When will Bridie race her new board? A Luke's suggestion Stirling gave us a 30 second headstart in the Board Race. Points Races Round 08 Results Round 08 Standings Round 08 The Members Breakfast bought to you by the Life Members was a bigger drawcard than Points Races. Soph, Bridie and Tara couldn't be convinced to follow their new Club Board photoshoot with a Board Race so Stirling gave us a 20 second headstart this week. Betto showed us how it was done in the Run Swim Run. Thanks to Mark for timekeeping. Points Races Round 09 Results Round 09 Standings Round 09 A great morning at the beach, easterly breeze, flat calm waters. Solid turn out for the Long Swim with a few late starters, no adjustment to the times or points. Thanks to Soph and Leesa for water safety, Jack, Lisa and Claire for timekeeping. Triple Naomi patrol and one Naomi joined us for the Long Run. Points Races Round 10 Results Round 10 Standings Round 10 The Presidents' Cup was held earlier in the morning and forms the basis of Points Races. There was some interest in swimming again at 10 am but nothing eventuated. Points Races Round 11 Results Round 11 Standings Round 11 A quiet Christmas Eve swim for those keen for some activity. Thanks to Lisa for timekeeping and the Patrol for water safety. Josh lost his goggles in the shorebreak in the Long Swim so was estimated to have spent a minute or so looking for them, allowing Hannah to be first across the line and take the bragging rights into Christmas Lunch! Points Races Round 12 Results Round 12 Standings Round 12 A great turn out for the New Year and a great morning at the beach. Several swimmers qualified for the Oldham Memorial Cup by completing their third Long Swim. Honours in the Pazin Cup were split. Largest ever field for the Board Race, although the start was testing given the short swell period. Thanks to Lisa, Micah, Callum and Josh for timekeeping and Eli, Bella and Lauren for water safety. Points Races Round 13 Results Round 13 Standings Round 13 Held after the Ocean M Mixed Teams / Family Event we started with the Board Race, then Run Swim Run and Long Run. The Oldham Memorial Cup held earlier in the morning was the basis for the Long Swim. A massive thank you to Lisa for timekeeping, Andrew for this assistance, Hannah and Fiona for water safety in the Oldham Memorial Cup and the Patrol for water safety during Points Races. Board Race was paddled anti-clockwise to make best use of the conditions. Stirling fell off his board. Harry left his board on the beach. Points Races Round 14 Results Round 14 Standings Round 14 Held at the earlier time of 8.00 am to allow for the Swanbourne Cup Mixed Board Rescue, we started with the Board Race, with Stirling the clear winner and Ellie taking out the Women's. Choppy conditions for the Long Swim and Run Swim Run. Our biggest turn out so far this season for the Long Run. Thanks to Marnie and Lisa for timekeeping and Eli and Amy for water safety. No Points Races next weekend due to the Country Carnival / Long Weekend. Points Races Round 15 Results Round 15 Standings Round 15 Thanks to Bernie for conducting Points Races and for timekeeping in my absence at the State First Aid Championships. Early sea breeze so some chop. The Board Race course was modified as the southern outer can had disappeared, so the middle inner can was added to the course as left hand around. Points Races Round 16 Results Round 16 Standings Round 16 A busy morning at Swanbourne Beach with Youth Belt Swimming and Nipper Club Championships. Those not involved in the Busselton Jetty Swim swam in slightly choppy conditions at Swanny. Thanks to Bella, Bridie, Stirling and Stewie for timekeeping and to Stirling, Eli and, Oli for water safety. The Board Race course was modified as the southern outer can had disappeared, so the middle inner can was added to the course as left hand around. In the Youth Belt Swimming it was very tight between the Oli/Lydia combination and the Bella, Soph combination. Oli might have been a 100th of a second in front in the swim and 0.1 m quicker to the finish line. No Points next Sunday as the Club Championships will be held. Points Races Round 17 Results Round 17 Standings Round 17 Overcast morning but calm conditions on the water. Thanks to Brodie Price for timekeeping and conducting Points Races whilst I was involved in Club Champion Lifesaver. Ellie backed up a big morning with wins in the Long Swim and Long Run. She now leads the Long Run on points. Stirling cruised to a win in the Board Race (either that or Hendo is back on form after 1 training session!).  Ellie, Bella and Neve backed up after Youth Club Championships. Points Races Round 18 Results Round 18 Standings Round 18 Points Races comprised the F. E. Ford Cup Trophy - 1600 m Long Swim and the Duncan McPhail Trophy - 1500 m Long Run followed by a Board Race. Thanks to Andrew, Liz and Susie for time keeping. With her showing in all three events today, Ellie has moved into the overall lead for the Female Points Races Champion. The Points Races Season Finale will be on Sunday March 24th, with the Caris Cup Club Marathon in the morning followed by Double Points for the Long Swim, Run Swim Run, Long Run and Board Race. See you there! Points Races Round 19 & 20 Results Round 19 & 20 Standings Round 19 & 20 A fantastic morning at Swanny with calm clear waters bathed in brilliant sunshine for the Points Races Season Finale. Thanks to Hunter, Charli and Leesa for time keeping and the Patrol for water safety. The Double Points played out a close finish in the Female Long Swim, with Ellie sneaking 1 point in front of her mother Jo, with Leesa leaping to 2 points further back. Thank you to all participants, time keepers and water safety during Points Races this season. See you in October 2024! Points Races Champions 2023/24 Congratulations to our Points Races Champions for Season 2023/24: Long Swim: Ellie Turton and John Henderson Long Run: Ellie Turton and Tim Tucak Run Swim Run: Jo Turton and Tim Tucak Board: Ellie Turton and Stirling Stilwell Overall: Ellie Turton and Tim Tucak Thanks to everyone who took part or helped with timekeeping/water safety. Points Races will run on the following basis this Season: Season winners shall be awarded on the sum of the aggregate points in each race, for only those races that were conducted regularly and on a handicap basis, in the following categories or as determined by the Points Races Officer: • Male • Female In the event of there being a tie, all tied competitors shall be deemed the winner. Overall season winners shall be awarded on the sum of aggregate points in all races, for only those races that were conducted regularly and on a handicap basis, in the following categories or as determined by the Points Races Officer. • Male • Female In the event of there being a tie, all tied competitors shall be deemed the winner.

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