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U14/U15/U17 Club Championships
U14/U15/U17 Club Championships

Sun, 16 Mar



U14/U15/U17 Club Championships

Time & Location

16 Mar 2025, 8:00 am

Swanbourne, 282 Marine Parade, Swanbourne WA 6010, Australia

About the event

The program of events is: 8.01 am Long Run 8.16 am Run Swim Run 8.31 am Board Race 8.46 am Surf Race (400m Swim)* 9.00 am Beach Sprint 9.21 am Beach Flags 10.01 am Ski Race# 10.21 am Draw for the order of the Ironman/Ironwoman legs 10.22 am (or earlier if we're ready) Ironman/Ironwoman(All times approximate and subject to change)

Detailed Program and Competitor Listing 

Competitors must be qualified to start by being financial and have completed proficiency and patrol requirements of the Club relevant to their membership category. You must have made up any missed patrol hours.

Prizes may be presented to winners of the above events in the following age groups: U14, U15 and U17.

Club Championship events shall be conducted in accordance with the current SLSA Australian Surf Sports Manual wherever possible. Any departure(s) from the current SLSA Australian Surf Sports Manual shall be determined by the Surf Sports Manager and nominated to the Points Races Officer prior to the commencement of the Club Championships.

Points will be awarded in each event to determine the overall Club Champions in each of the above categories.

Entries are on the day. This is open to all Under 14, Under 15 and Under 17 Club members, so make sure your training program is in full swing.

Check out the defending Club Champions.

See you on the starting line.  

Any queries to:

Surf Sports Manager – or

Points Races Officer - or 

Youth Officer -

Club Championships

The Club Championships are a “best on the day” intraclub competition, to see who is the Club’s best in each surf discipline.

U14/U15/U17 Club Championships consist of seven core races:

  • Run-Swim-Run - 200m Run, 200m Swim, 200m Run
  • Long Run
  • Long Swim
  • Surf Board Race
  • Beach Sprint
  • Beach Flag
  • (· Ski Race#)
  • Ironman / Ironwoman  - (Ski#,) Swim and Board legs with the ordered determined by a draw.

# The Youth Club Championships includes an U17 Ski Race and the U17 Iron includes a ski leg. If all U17 Female / Male competitors agree then the ski leg may be deleted from the U17 Female / Male Iron.

If no U17 competitors compete in the U17 Ski Race then the U17 Ski Race Championship is not awarded nor held at the (Senior) Club Championships that season.

The U14/U15/U17 Club Championships are conducted in accordance with the following By-Laws

2.2 Club Championships The Club shall conduct an U14/U15/U17 Club Championships annually during the season. U14/U15/U17 Club Championship events shall be conducted in the following categories or as determined by the Surf Sports Manager or their delegate:

  • Junior (Under 17) Male
  • Junior (Under 17) Female
  • Cadet (Under 15) MaleCadet (Under 15) Female
  • Cadet (Under 14) Male
  • Cadet (Under 14) Female

The U14/U15/U17 Club Championship events are:

  • Surf Race
  • Run Swim Run
  • Beach Sprint
  • Long Run
  • Surf Board Race
  • Beach Flags
  • Ironman/Ironwoman

U14/U15/U17 Club Championship events shall be conducted in accordance with the current SLSA Australian Surf Sports Manual wherever possible. Any departure(s) from the current SLSA Australian Surf Sports Manual shall be determined by the Surf Sports Manager of their delegate prior to each event. In addition, points will be awarded in each event to determine the overall Club Champions in each of the above categories. In the event of there being a tie, all tied competitors shall be deemed the winner.

The following points shall be allocated for all events:

  • 1st place 12 points
  • 2nd place 9 points
  • 3rd place 6 points
  • 4th place 4 points
  • 5th place 3 points
  • 6th place 2 points
  • All others 1 point.

2.3 Categories For the purpose of determining a category, competitors’ ages shall be calculated as at midnight on 30th September each year. The categories will be as follows:

  • Age | Category
  • 13 years: U14 only
  • 14 years: U15 only
  • 15-16 years inclusive
  •  U17 and/or Open

2.4 Qualification for Events Competitors in each event in Clause 2.2 must be qualified to start by being financial Members and have completed proficiency and patrol requirements of the Club relevant to their membership category.

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